#BSG15Years – 2×05: The Farm

15 years ago today, the BATTLESTAR GALACTICA episode 2×05: The Farm aired on August 12, 2005 on the Sci Fi Channel in the USA.
This episode was written by Carla Robinson and directed by Rod Hardy. #BSG15Years.

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Aaron Douglas (@theaarondouglas) August 12, 2020
Although I didn’t have a ton to do in this episode it is special because, once again, I got to work with one of my favourite directors, and persons, in life, Rod Hardy. Always with a smile, a quip and some love. Rod is the best! #BSG15Years


BATTLESTAR GALACTICA – 2×05: The Farm (August 12, 2005)


VIDEO: BATTLESTAR GALACTICA – 2×05: The Farm (August 12, 2005)

TV SHOW: Battlestar Galactica
EPISODE: 2×05: The Farm
AIR DATE: August 12, 2005 on Sci Fi Channel (USA)
AARON’S CHARACTER: Chief Galen Tyrol
WRITTEN BY: Carla Robinson
LINKS: IMDb / Wikipedia / Battlestar Wiki

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TRANSCRIPT: BATTLESTAR GALACTICA – 2×05: The Farm (August 12, 2005)

Written By: Carla Robinson
Directed By: Rod Hardy


Tyrol: If I may speak on behalf of specialist Cally. She was distraught sir. The experience in Kobol. Being in the surface fighting Cylons. It’s shattering for all of us. I don’t believe she’s in her right mind when she shot Boomer.
Adama: Did you love her, Chief?
Tyrol: Excuse me?
Adama: Boomer, did you love her?
Tyrol: I thought I did.
Adama: When you think you love somebody, you love them. That’s what love is – thoughts. She was a Cylon. A machine. Is that what Boomer was? A machine? A thing.
Tyrol: That’s what she turned out to be.
Adama: She was more than that to us. She was more than that to me. She was a vital, living person… aboard my ship for almost two years. She couldn’t have been just a machine. Could you love a machine?
Tyrol: No, sir. I guess I couldn’t have.
Adama: Cally discharged a firearm without permission, endangering life of her fellow shipmate. 30 days in the brig. Dismissed.
Tyrol: Thank you, sir.
Adama: You’ll see her again, Chief.
Tyrol: Excuse me?
Adama: There are many copies. You’ll see her again.

Transcript: Sci Fi SadGeezers