#BSG15Years – 2×01: Scattered

15 years ago today, the BATTLESTAR GALACTICA episode 2×01: Scattered aired on July 15, 2005 on the Sci Fi Channel in the USA.
This episode was written by Bradley Thompson & David Weddle and directed by Michael Rymer. #BSG15Years.

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Aaron Douglas (@theaarondouglas) July 15, 2020
The beautiful moment for me is the line about ‘listening to the birds’. There’s something that’s so real about that and the writing team of David and Bradley finding something so very human, injecting it into the story and Alonzo bringing it to heartbreaking reality. #BSG15Years

Bear McCreary (@bearmccreary) July 15, 2020
A great run of episodes, brother. Unforgettable. #SoSayWeAll

Aaron Douglas (@theaarondouglas) July 16, 2020
Everytime I see a clip from the show I always have a moment where I think, damn, we really were a part of something special. And your music always squeezes my heart, in the best way.


TRANSCRIPT: BATTLESTAR GALACTICA – 2×01: Scattered (July 15, 2005)

Written By: Bradley Thompson & David Weddle
Directed By: Michael Rymer


Socinus: [Wheezes]
Seelix: This is serisone, it should help you breathe a little easier.
Socinus: [Coughs] [Wheezes]
Tyrol: Here, just take it easy. You’ll be feeling better in a few minutes.
Seelix: Excuse me, sir. We’ve got to get you up.
Socinus: [Wheezes] It hurt.
Seelix: I know.
(Socinus is carried off)
Baltar: If you don’t mind my asking, where are we going, Crashdown?
Crashdown: Tree line. We can hide, still see the crash site in case Galactica sends a rescue party.
Baltar: Galactica will be sending a rescue party.
Tyrol: Everybody down!
Cally: what was that?
Seelix: That Cylons?
Crashdown: Maybe. Seelix, grab the ammo. Staggered formation, I’ll take point. Chief, you’re bringing up the rear. Be ready to tell the private, people.
Tyrol: El-tee? I think we should double-check the supplies before we bug out.
Crashdown: Sorry, Chief, we don’t have the time. If that’s an aircraft turbine, they’re gonna be on us any moment.
Tyrol: El-tee, we gotta make sure we have everything!
Crashdown: We don’t have the time, Chief!
Tyrol: Damn it. Gods Damn it!


Crashdown: Watch your foot. (beat) Everyone take five.
Seelix: Give me the med kit. Where’s the med kit?
Tyrol: How you doing? Hey, how you doing, buddy?
Socinus: Good. Just listening to the birds.
[Birds chirping]
Tyrol: I’ll be damned. I don’t remember the last time I heard birds.
Socinus: [Coughing]
Tyrol: Take it easy, okay?
Seelix: Damn it.
Crashdown: What is it?
Seelix: We’re out of serisone.
Crashdown: It’s all right, I’ll get the other med kit.
Tarn: What other med kit?
Crashdown: Oh, don’t frakkin’ tell me. We pulled two med kits from the ship. I told you to keep an eye on both of them.
Tarn: I only saw the one, sir.
Crashdown: There were two.
Tarn: I’m sorry, sir, but I don’t remember you telling me…
Crashdown: Well, I did!
Seelix: Sir, his lungs are filling up with fluid. If he doesn’t get more serisone soon, he’s not gonna make it.
Crashdown: Okay, Tarn. You forgot the med kit, so you’re gonna have to go back and get it. Take a rifle, three clips of ammo, and a canteen.
Tarn: What?
Crashdown: Move.
Tyrol: Cally, come here. Watch the rear. (walks over to Crashdown) El-tee. You can’t send him alone.
Crashdown: You questioning my orders, Chief?
Tyrol: No, I’m just pointing out a flaw in your plan. Doesn’t need to be any bigger than that. Cally and I can go with him.
Crashdown: All right, fine, but would you look out for Cally?
Tyrol: Cally, give me the rifle. We three go. Leave that, leave your backpack. Sidearms out. Tarn, you’re bringing up the rear in the middle, shh. Eyes and ears.


Tyrol: Okay, Tarn. Go up, take a look. If it’s not there, it’s at the raptor. And we’ll have to move up more.
Tarn: I got it, Chief.
Tyrol: All right, let’s get the hell out of here. Tarn on point. Let’s go. Go, go, go, go, go.


Cally: This makes no sense. Why am I carrying the med kit when you forgot it?
Tarn: Okay, first of all that’s el-tee’s kit. Secondly, I’m on point.
Cally: Whatever.
Tyrol: All right, children, that’s enough. I’ll tell you what, Cally. If it makes you feel any better, I’ll put him on hangar deck mop-up duty with you for next week.
Cally: Now you’re talkin’.
Tarn: For what? If anybody should have mop duty, it’s el-tee.
(Tarn is shot twice by Cylon Centurions.)
Tyrol: Go! Go! Get down! Top of the ridge! Cally, take the rifle and cover me! Suppressive fire. Okay, okay, wait for me. Wait for me, all right? Go, go, go, go, go. Don’t move! I’m coming for you, don’t move.
Tarn: [Groans]
Tyrol: Jeez! I’m coming. Give me fire! Cally, go, go!
Cally: They’re dug in, Chief. I can’t see them.
Tyrol: Cover me! Come on. Come on. You’ll be okay, you’re okay. You’re okay, you’re okay. It’s okay. Get on my back. Get on my back. Get on me, get on me. (he recovers Tarn, he carries him to safety)
Tarn: [Groans]


Cally: Chief, they’re not following us anymore.
Tyrol: Cally, there. There. I know you’re hit, buddy. It’s okay, I’m gonna check you right now. I’m gonna put him here, Cal
Here, stay down. Be with me right here. Okay, I’m gonna check you right now. It’s not that bad, it’s not that bad. It’s not that bad. Cally, check the ridge.

Tarn: I wanna go home, Chief.
Tyrol: I know, I know. We’re going home. We’re going home, okay? Okay.
Tarn: [Mumbling]
Tyrol: Sh, sh, sh, sh. It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay. Stay with me. Hey, hey. Look at me. Look at me. Stay with me, stay with me. Be with me, be with me. Come on, come on. Hey, hey, hey, hey. (Tarn dies)
Cally: Chief. Chief, we gotta go. We gotta go. We gotta go. Chief.
Tyrol: That’s it. That’s it, you stupid, frakked-up crap!
Cally: Chief, Socinus needs us now. Come on. Come on. Let’s go.

Transcript: Sci Fi SadGeezers

VIDEO: BATTLESTAR GALACTICA – 2×01: Scattered (July 15, 2005)

TV SHOW: Battlestar Galactica
EPISODE: 2×01: Scattered
AIR DATE: July 15, 2005 on Sci Fi Channel (USA)
WRITTEN BY: Bradley Thompson & David Weddle
DIRECTED BY: Michael Rymer
LINKS: IMDb / Wikipedia / Battlestar Wiki

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BATTLESTAR GALACTICA – 2×01: Scattered (July 15, 2005)