MYSTERY 101 – PLAYING DEAD: Aaron to guest star in second movie

Aaron Douglas is currently filming on the 2nd movie in the Mystery 101 movie series for Hallmark. And look who was on set. It’s Colin Lawrence. I guess Skulls has finally forgiven the Chief for nearly getting him and Racetrack killed 😉


Here’s a video clip of the scene from the BATTLESTAR GALACTICA episode 4×04: Escape Velocity with Chief and Skulls.


EDIT: There’s another actor from BSG in this movie. Aaron has a scene with them later today. He’s going to try and get a photo.


Scott Ian: There’s Hope For All Of Us (4×04) (April 29, 2008)

There’s Hope For All Of Us aka Tigh did it for the nookie (4×04: Escape Velocity)
By: Scott Ian
Date: April 29th, 2008
Source: Scott Ian’s Battlestar Blog


Note: The following is a blog entry by SCOTT IAN (from the band ANTHRAX) that was published on the Official Battlestar Galactica website. In this blog entry Scott shares a conversation he had with Aaron about this episode.



And I don’t mean hope in the context of religion or faith or any of Baltar’s story arc. I mean hope in the context of Tigh made out with Six. TIGH MADE OUT WITH SIX. Michael Hogan must be stoked. Granted, he got the shit kicked out of him first (and he smartly didn’t use his Cylon strength to fight back). On the list of things I never thought I would see on BSG, that would have to be right at the top. Right next to Tigh being a Cylon and Tigh changing a baby. Is that Cylon or human programming that made him change the baby? Either way, classic. And then right after his paternal moment he’s right back at Tory with “What is that, more of Baltar’s crap?” The man is a rusty iron crowbar, slowly crumbling, holding on to the thing’s he knows even though he knows it’s futile. Tigh says “feel what ya gotta feel” to Chief even though he’s searching for a way to “flip the switch” and bury the guilt of murdering his wife. Not gonna happen Patchy. Your new-fangled programming won’t let you. You need absolution and you’re going to find it (and a whole lot more) in the arms of Six, she of the magic (or is it just Cylon?) nookie. If that doesn’t make you forget your troubles (remember that nookie helped Baltar help her to destroy humanity) I don’t know what will. So Tigh gets to snog with Six and Chief hits the bottle.

Poor Chief. He loses his lady and then loses his shit with the old man. His description of Cally, “a shriek with dull-vacant eyes, the boiled cabbage stench of her” was oddly accurate. Is Chief’s Cylon programming disavowing his relationship with a human knowing that it could have been with Boomer or is it just a case of the grass being greener? I asked my main-man Aaron Douglas and he was his usual forthcoming self (although I can’t print everything he told me, no spoilers here).

“Dude. That ep was a really tough one for me. Long days of really emotional stuff. Really very tiring and hard because the rest of the cast has little to do so they get restless after 5 hours of doing the same thing and I am still trying to stay in the place of emotion of a funeral.

The scene with Eddie and I in the bar is one of my favorites. I have not seen the ep yet so I don’t know how it turned out. We did my coverage 3 times. The first time, which by all accounts was the best, was not recorded. The camera guys did not turn them on. That was frustrating. So what people saw on Friday was my 2nd best performance. I will watch it tonight and see if I remember anything else. That was a year ago that we shot it.”

Oh yeah….now Tigh gets to kiss Six and once again the Chief just goes and gets loaded… tell me how that is fair? Fuckers!

And he also added this:

“And tell the fans to watch for the Chief in the next weeks ep. He goes a little nuts……..”

I can’t wait!!!

I want a Chief/Tory showdown. Tory’s gotta go.

I have to agree with Roslin regarding the Baltar family. Not because of the safety of the fleet from a religious war, because I’m over the Baltar/Messiah thing. I guess it makes sense for his character that he would self-appoint himself this position but I just don’t care. His speech was eloquent enough but he’s my favorite character and I feel like he’s being underused. Put him in the brig and blow all his followers out the airlock and get him back in the mix with the Cylons. Adama would do that. Unless he’s once again completely full of crap and it’s all part of some other plan he’s go going. I’m hoping to be as usual, pleasantly surprised by his arc.

I do like the set-up for the power struggle between Roslin and Apollo. Apollo seems to have more backbone now then he ever did as a pilot. He ain’t taking no shit off of nobody!

No Starbuck this week. I’m sure next week she’ll be back in all her sweatiness.

Until then fight’em ’til you can’t.


Jane Espenson: What We Realize (4×04) (April 26, 2008)

What We Realize
By: Jane Espenson
Date: April 26, 2008
Source: Jane in Progress


WEBMISTRESS NOTE: Jane Espenson, the writer of last weeks Battlestar Galactica episode (4×04: Escape Velocity) discusses the bar scene with the Chief and Adama from that episode in her latest blog post.

WARNING: If you have not watched this episode, there are spoilers.


Did you see my episode of Battlestar Galactica that aired last night? I myself did not, as I was on a soundstage, watching even fresher Battlestar being made. So instead, to celebrate, I reread the script this morning and I thought I might show you all a little excerpt to illustrate how simple it can be to do something that might look tricky on the screen.

SPOILERS… if you haven’t seen the episode yet, you might want to wait. Anyway, there’s a moment in the episode where something plays out and then you realize it didn’t really happen, that it was just one character’s fantasy/fear/hallucination/projection/SOMETHING…. Here’s how I scripted it (I’m just showing you a scene fragment here):

…Awkward pause. Adama signals the bartender, then says:


We all miss her, Chief. I understand if you want time off. Or even if… if you want more shifts, want to keep busy. None of us knows how we’ll react to a loss. What we’ll need.

Don’t need anything special, sir.


The bartender slides a drink to Adama (he knows his preference without asking).


I guess it was just more than she could take, huh? Being married to a Cylon who made her the mother to a half-breed abomination.


Tyrol blinks at Adama. Who is JUST NOW BEING SERVED HIS DRINK. We realize that was a small moment of surreal fantasy (a la Tigh’s imagined shooting of Adama in episode three).


ADAMA (cont’d)
(to bartender)
Thank you.
She was a good woman.


See what I did? Almost nothin’. I just said what happened using emphasis so the eyes of careless reader wouldn’t miss it, and then with a “We realize…” sentence. I love “We realize,” because what you’re really doing is conveying to the reader the intended experience of the viewer. You’re not forcing them to guess about what you want the viewer to understand at that moment, and you’re not using dialogue to over-explain something that a character wouldn’t say out loud. I find it incredibly useful as long as it’s not being used to try to convince a reader that something would be clear to a viewer when in fact it would not. It’s a powerful weapon, use it well.

VIDEO: BATTLESTAR GALACTICA – 4×04: Escape Velocity (April 25, 2008)

TV SHOW: Battlestar Galactica
EPISODE: 4×04: Escape Velocity
AIR DATE: April 25, 2008 on Sci Fi Channel (USA)
AARON’S CHARACTER: Chief Galen Tyrol / Specialist Tyrol
WRITTEN BY: Jane Espenson
DIRECTED BY: Edward James Olmos

NOTE: The video will wait until it is fully buffered before playing

TRANSCRIPT: BATTLESTAR GALACTICA – 4×04: Escape Velocity (April 25, 2008)


Tyrol: Let’s say Cally does find out. What do we do then?
Tigh: The last thing we need is for your Cylon-hating wife to find out there’s a bunch of skinjobs running around this ship. And that her husband is one of them.


Tyrol: I couldn’t keep you safe from harm, my love, but I kept you in my heart. You were the breath in my lungs, the blood in my veins, the light in my eye, and now that breath is gone. That blood and the light are gone. Now I am left, a voice. And the Lords of Kobol, as many and as varied as mortal men, must bend down and lean low to hear that voice and hear my lament.
Priestess: With all our thoughts and love, Callandra Henderson Tyrol, we send your spirit into the universe. So say we all.
All: So say we all.
Roslin: (leaning on Adama’s shoulder) I liked that service.
Adama: It’s not for me, I’ll tell you that.
Roslin: I know, but I want you to know what I like.
Adama: Chief. It was lovely.
Tyrol: Thank you.
Tory: (to Laura) Why do they have to do these things at dawn?
Roslin: It’s all right. They do because they have to. (To Tyrol) I’m sorry. Let me know if you need anything.
Tyrol: Thank you.
[Tyrol suddenly grabs Tory’s hands and won’t let go; with his other he grabs Tigh’s arm. They stare at him]
Tigh: Oh. Sorry about your loss.
Tory: Sorry, Chief.
Tigh: (leaving) What the frak was that?
Tory: Get us all killed…
Apollo: Chief? I’m… I’m so sorry.
[Tyrol doesn’t seem to notice him]


[Nicky cries, Tyrol is out of it, Tigh and Tory enter]
Tory: What was that at the service this morning?
Tigh: Why don’t you get on the wireless and tell the Fleet about us?
[Nicky continues crying]
Tigh: Are you gonna deal with that kid?
Tyrol: Probably needs to be changed.
Tigh: (heading off to change him) All right.
Tory: You think Cally killed herself because of you, don’t you?
Tyrol: She thought we were having an affair.
Tory: But we weren’t.
Tyrol: I don’t even know what I am anymore. I don’t know which of my memories are real. I don’t know that I’ve had one action in my life that isn’t programmed.
Tory: (kneeling) Galen, you’re perfect. You don’t need guilt. We were made to be perfect.
Tigh: What is that? More of Baltar’s crap?
[Tory stands up again]
Tyrol: So… You just live without guilt?
Tory: Just … shut it down.
Tyrol: No, that wasn’t the deal. Colonel, you said it yourself. “Be the man you want to be till the day you die.” We’re still the same people, aren’t we?
Tigh: Of course we are. (To Tory) You shut up.
Tory: That is not the same as human. Like, we’re stronger. Right?
Tigh: Chief, what you’re feeling is what a man feels when this happens. It’s normal, and it’s human. And it’s not gonna end anytime soon. It’ll be there every day. You’ll see her every day. You’ll see her…
[Chief looks at Tigh, worried, and Tigh snaps out of it, looking from one to the other]
Tigh: Be a man, Chief. Feel what you gotta feel. But don’t risk us. Come on, Tory.
Tory: Just think about it. Think about what we are. What we can do.


Tyrol: (working on a Raptor) Frak!
Figurski: Finishing up, Chief?
Tyrol: Yeah, just got one more relay.

Tyrol: (his head on Cally’s stomach) “I think it’s a boy.”

HANGAR DECK [Flashback]
Cally: “Here you go, Chief.”
Tyrol: “Nice to be small, huh?”

HANGAR DECK [Flashback]
Tyrol: (screaming and beating Cally in his nightmare) “Die!”

HANGAR DECK [Present Day]
Racetrack: Chief, we ready to go? I gotta get out of here.
Tyrol: (spaced out and trading in the wrong capacitor) Yeah. Go ahead.


[Inspecting Raptor 289]
Figurski: Those capacitors are still hot. Watch yourself, Chief. Take my glove.
Tyrol: (realizing he switched the capacitors) Frak me. My fault, didn’t get swapped out.
Skulls: Yeah, we could have died. …Was that in your pocket?
Racetrack: We don’t have to do this.
Skulls: (comforting) You’re right. No, we’re okay. It’s okay.
Tyrol: Is it? Skulls, is it?
Racetrack: Galen.
Tyrol: I don’t need to be patted on the head. You can tell me I frakked up.
Racetrack: Nobody got hurt, okay? Forget it. You’re only human.
Tyrol: No! Don’t say that! Tell me I frakked up! Say it! (Racetrack leaves.) Tell me I frakked up! Any one of you. Cowards!
Figurski: Chief, I can handle this. Why don’t you take a little down time?
Tyrol: Get out of the Raptor, Figurski.


[Chief soldering parts behind a mask]
Figurski: Working late or up early, Chief?
[Chief ignores him, then drops all his equipment and wanders off]


[Chief drinks; Adama comes in and sits down a stool away]

Adama: (nodding to the bartender) Hey, Chief. We all miss her, Chief. I understand if you need some time off. Or even if you might need more shifts to keep yourself busy. No one knows how they’re going to react to loss like this, or what they’re gonna need.
Tyrol: (without looking) I don’t need special treatment.
Adama: (in Chief’s projection) “I guess she just couldn’t take it, huh? Being married to a Cylon? Being the mother of a half-breed abomination?”

[Chief stares, terrified, as Adama takes a drink]

Bartender: (putting down a drink for Adama) Here you go sir.
Adama: (To bartender) Thank you. (To Tyrol) She was a good woman.
Tyrol: If you really believed that, you wouldn’t have threatened to stick her up against a bulkhead and shoot her. (Adama surprised by that) It’s okay, though. I thought about doing it many times myself. Believe me.
Adama: Chief, it’s…
Tyrol: How many of us ended up with the people we really wanted to be with? Got stuck with the best of limited options? And why? Because the ones we really wanted, really loved, were dead, dying, turned out to be Cylons and they didn’t know it. If Boomer had… If I had known…
Adama: Listen. Listen, let’s…
Tyrol: No.
Adama: Let’s go. Come on.
Tyrol: No, no. I didn’t know.
Adama: Let’s go home.
Tyrol: (beginning to shout) I didn’t know. So I buried my head in the sand and I took it and I settled! I settled for that shriek, those dull vacant eyes, the boiled cabbage stench of her. And why? Because this is my life! This is the life I picked! And it’s fine, but you know what? It’s not! I didn’t pick this life! This is not my frakkin’ life!
Adama: What the hell’s gotten into you? Don’t do this. Don’t do this to her memory.
Tyrol: Know what? I’m sorry if I’m not gonna do this the way you want me to, or the way you might. But I will not make an angel out of someone who wasn’t an angel. But I can see you have. (Adama breaking down). And now you’ve come down here to be in my club, but you’re not in my club. You don’t know what frakkin’ club I’m in ’cause you never asked the right questions.
Adama: Chief, let’s get out of here.
Tyrol: No. Why don’t you go? Take care of your precious ship.
Adama: Stop it. Stop all of this. ‘Cause if you don’t, I’m going to have to act on it. Now shut up.
Tyrol: (even louder) Great! Do it! Please! For the love of Gods, please demote me. Get me off your frakkin’ ship!
Adama: (shaking) Specialist Tyrol, I want you off my hangar deck before you endanger another Pilot. You’re to report to Petty Officer Bassom tomorrow morning at 0600 for reassignment. Do you understand?

[Adama leaves; Tyrol sits. The sitar line from “Watchtower” plays]


[Chief stares at Nicky. He’s listening to Baltar on the radio]

Baltar: “Love your faults. Embrace them. If God embraces them, then how can they be faults?”

Transcript: Sci Fi SadGeezers

BSG EPISODE REVIEW – 4×04: Escape Velocity (April 25, 2008)

BSG TRAILER: 4×04: Escape Velocity (SCIFI) & (SKY)

4×04: Escape Velocity (SCIFI)

(April 18, 2008)

Thanks to SevorTB (ddt73 on skiffy), here is the trailer for next weeks episode (4×04: Escape Velocity).

WARNING: There’s a huge spoiler in it. So just watch the start of it to see the Chief and what he says to Adama and then stop it (when the ‘revolving light’ image of Tigh comes on screen) to avoid the spoiler.


4×04: Escape Velocity (SKY)

(April 23, 2008)

Below is the Sky One (UK) trailer for 4×04: Escape Velocity. There are a few new scenes of the Chief in it.

WARNING: There’s a spoiler in this video (not to do with the Chief, it’s something else) so don’t watch it unless you really don’t care about spoilers.

YouTube video thanks to CenturionSerpentine

BATTLESTAR GALACTICA – 4×04: Escape Velocity (April 25, 2008)

NOTE: These screen caps were made from the televised episode. I will redo them once the episodes are released on DVD.