BSG Stories

Civilized Wookiee (@DavidJayNicol) February 15, 2022
Rewatching Battlestar Galactica for the XX’th time and completely forgot that thee awesome
@SamWitwer as “Crashdown” was in this. Any fun facts you can share about filming this fantastic show?

Sam Witwer (@SamWitwer) February 15, 2022
Lots of ad-libbing. A good deal of this was sparked largely by @theaarondouglas.
-The producers even encouraged it.
Never seen a show run like that.
“Do one as written and then say whatever you want.”
“Be like Aaron..make it up.”
This was actually said to me by a producer.

Aaron Douglas (@theaarondouglas) February 16, 2022
Ha! I just assumed every show was like BSG. Wow was I wrong! 99% of every show I’ve done, they want as written-word perfect. “You want to say what? We’ll we’re going to have to call LA…” Ron and the BSG writers were/are amazing to us. What a gift. We had fun didn’t we? 😁