BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: BSG Marathon – SyFy Wire (YouTube)

A huge THANK YOU to Tara for alerting me to this. Here is the BSG panel that the cast recorded for the BSG Marathon that aired on SyFy back in April. Only snippets of it were shown during the marathon.

PART 1 – Group:
PART 2 – One-on-one interviews

NOTE: I have no idea why but they’ve geo-blocked these videos so if you’re outside of the USA, you can’t watch them 😢

EDIT (1): I just finished watching it and that was not the full cast interview. So hopefully they post more videos. Fingers crossed.

EDIT (2): And I just finished watching the one-on-one videos and that wasn’t the whole thing either. They only showed 22 seconds of Aaron’s interview. And I remember him saying he was talking to Tricia for about 20 minutes. So I assume everyone else talked for that long too. Oh well, I guess it’s better than nothing but I really wish they would upload the full interviews.


The Big Frakkin’ Battlestar Galactica Reunion Pt. 1


The Big Frakkin’ Battlestar Galactica Reunion Pt. 2