BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: Episodes free to watch on Peacock

BATTLESTAR GALACTICA is available to watch for FREE on the new Peacock streaming service in the USA. You just need to give them your email address to get access.


Seasons 1-4


EDIT: I just checked episode 4×21: Daybreak (Part 3) and the Chief’s final scene is missing. The scene wasn’t included when the episodes aired on Netflix. And it is not included in the episodes that are currently airing on Amazon Prime and on (Update): It’s also not in the episode airing on Comet.

SPOILERS!!! The scenes are supposed to be… Anders flying the Galactica into the sun, the Chief’s final scene (w/ Tigh & Ellen) on new Earth, a flashback of Tigh & Ellen in a bar, Adama & Roslin sitting together on the plains of new Earth. The Chief, Tigh & Ellen scenes are missing.

I would assume anyone reading this has already watched BSG when it aired on tv (DVD/Bluray). This post is just a heads up in case you have any friends/family that are watching for the first time on Peacock. And if you’ve ever only seen BSG on Netflix or Amazon Prime then this ‘missing scene’ might be news to you.

We never knew the scene had been cut until Aaron had fans at cons telling him how disappointed they were that the Chief got such a sucky ending. They had only ever seen BSG on Netflix. They thought this was his ending.
