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Aaron Douglas | Official Fansite
The Official Fansite for actor Aaron Douglas. Aaron is best known for his role as Chief Galen Tyrol on the SyFy television series Battlestar Galactica.
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NOTE: The video will wait until it is fully buffered before playing
[Gordon is putting Lux Dujour memorabilia in a dumpster. Lydia-Rapunzel is in the background playing in leaves on the ground]
Gordon: Rapunzel, get over here!
[She rushes over to him and he stares at her]
Gordon: I’m sorry I did this to you. It was selfish.
[He raises his gun pointed at her. She whimpers]
Gordon: When I’m finished with this little bitch… Boom (he pantomimes shooting her).
[Lydia-Rapunzel barks]
Gordon: Get outta here. Get outta here now.
[She runs away and goes back to playing in the leaves on the ground]
[Farah is sitting in a car with a listening device, listening in on Zimmerfield & Estevez]
Estevez: He knows something.
Zimmerfield: Of course, he knows something, he’s Patrick Spring’s lawyer.
Estevez: Well, you’d think he’d want to tell us if it meant finding Lydia.
Zimmerfield: I’m not saying he knows where Lydia is, but he certainly knows who Patrick Spring’s enemies were.
Estevez: So, what now?
Zimmerfield: We follow up on Rimmer.
[Zimmerfield & Estevez are at the Zoo talking to one of Gordon’s colleagues]
Zoo Curator: Rimmer? Sure, I know him. He works here. That was Gordon Rimmer’s house that got burnt down?
Estevez: Yes, burned to the ground.
Zoo Curator: Yeah, I saw that on the news. Wait, so you think Gordon had something to do with that body that was found in his house? Was it really Lux DuJour?
Estevez: It’s part of an ongoing investigation.
Zoo Curator: I can’t believe he’s really dead.
Zimmerfield: You don’t seem very surprised that Gordon Rimmer might have been involved in a crime.
Zoo Curator: I think everybody saw that coming.
Zimmerfield: Why?
Zoo Curator: Well, the guy’s a prick.
Estevez: Did you work closely with him?
Zoo Curator: No, thank God. He used to be in charge of the old animal transfer unit, but it’s abandoned now.
Zimmerfield: What’s in it?
Zoo Curator: Nothing.
Zimmerfield: Nothing? Really?
Zoo Curator: Yeah.
Zimmerfield: You’re saying that there’s an abandoned building on zoo property that Gordon Rimmer had access to?
Zoo Curator: Yeah. It’s condemned. Supposed to get torn down.
Estevez: Well, do you think we can get a look at this building?
Zoo Curator: I don’t have keys.
Zimmerfield: Who has keys?
Zoo Curator: You’ll have to talk to the operations manager, it’s a property thing.
Estevez: Okay, well, thank you for your time.
Zoo Curator: No problem.
[Zimmerfield & Estevez talking to their boss, the Police Captain]
Police Captain: What does this have to do with the missing girl?
Zimmerfield: Well, we have reason to believe that she was last seen with Gordon Rimmer.
Police Captain: By the, uh, the bellhop.
Zimmerfield: Yeah, by the bellhop.
Estevez: Yes, by Todd Brotzman.
Zimmerfield: Todd Brotzman. Plus, we just spoke to the top zoo official about getting into the building where Rimmer worked.
Estevez: And they said the place, the “animal transfer unit,” is condemned.
Zimmerfield: Yeah, locked up.
Estevez: Nothing there.
Zimmerfield: Nothing there, so they say.
Police Captain: And you don’t believe them?
Zimmerfield: No, we don’t believe them, so please, why can’t we just go inside, take a look?
Police Captain: Doesn’t sound like you got enough for a warrant.
Zimmerfield: What? What is this, a joke? Gordon Rimmer was seen with Lydia Spring. The very next day, his house burns down, they find a body inside. His dog was visible on a tape from the Perryman Grand! His dog! And now we’re telling you that we have access to an abandoned building, where he used to work! And you’re telling us we can’t go inside?
Estevez: Plus, animal control never followed up on that missing shark.
Zimmerfield: Plus, animal control–
Police Captain: I don’t see it. I don’t think a judge will either. Move on.
Estevez: What was that? What the hell just happened to us? Am I losing my mind?
Zimmerfield: No, you’re not losing your mind. I don’t know. Maybe he’s covering for some Major Crimes shit-fit, I don’t know. We’re not wasting any more time.
Estevez: What are you thinking?
[Farah is sitting in a car with a listening device, listening in on Zimmerfield & Estevez]
Estevez: Are we actually doing this?
Zimmerfield: Yeah, we’re actually gonna do this. You’re goddamn right. He was acting awfully funny. Something’s wrong, something’s very wrong. We’re gonna go there right now.
Estevez: But is it the right thing to do?
Zimmerfield: For Lydia.
Estevez: If she’s even still alive.
Zimmerfield: What kinda thing is that to say? What’s wrong with you? I’m trying to be positive here, stay positive.
[Zimmerfield & Estevez drive up to the ‘Animal Transfer Unit’. There are two cars parked parked in what should be an empty lot]
Estevez: I thought this building was supposed to be locked up. Run the plates, right?
Zimmerfield: Let’s check it out first.
Estevez: Whoa, what if they’re in there?
Zimmerfield: If they’re in there, then they’re in there.
[Zimmerfield & Estevez enter the building. It’s dark, they are using flashlights]
Estevez: This place has got all kinds of code violations.
Zimmerfield: You think?
Estevez: You ever seen graffiti like this?
Zimmerfield: This is some new kind of crazy.
Estevez: What is this place, Zim?
Zimmerfield: Stay close. Keep quiet.
[Zimmerfield kicks open a door. There is a pile of dead MoM bodies]
Estevez: Oh, shit… Oh, that stinks.
Zimmerfield: Holy shit.
Estevez: Oh, my God.
[Zimmerfield & Estevez exit the building.
Zimmerfield: 35 bodies. Like, 35 bodies. I wanna see the captain stonewall this, this is headline news.
Estevez: Still no bars. It’s gotta be all that electrical stuff in there causing interference.
Zimmerfield: Well, go, radio, radio for some back-up. Radio for the entire forensic team. Goddamn it, call the whole National Guard! There is gonna be trouble.
[Farah is in the distance with a sniper rifle]
Zimmerfield: Yup… I can smell it.
Estevez: Zim, I just don’t think–
[Zimmerfield is struck by an arrow from MoM]
Estevez: Zim?
[Estevez rushes towards Zimmerfield as Zimmerfield falls to the groound]
Estevez: Zim, come on, buddy. Come on, come on, come on, come on.
[Estevez helps him to the car and places him on the ground behind the car. MoM starts firing at them. Estevez returns fire]
[Farah looks through the scope of her rifle and sees Gordon driving by in his car with Lydia-Rapunzel in the back seat]
Gordon: I told you to stay down!
[Lydia-Rapunzel is barking, looking out the window at Farah as they drive by]
Farah: Lydia?
[Estevez gets Zimmerfield into the back seat of the car. Just a Mom is about to shoot them, Farah shoots him dead. Estevez speeds off in the car]
Estevez: Zim, you with me? You need to get up. Come on. Come on! Come on! Hang in there, Zim! You hear me? Talk to me, buddy! Hospital’s only 10 minutes away. You hear me? Zim!
[Estevez pulls the car over]
Estevez: All right. All right, all right… No, no, no… We’re gonna get you some help. We’re gonna get you some help, okay?
Zimmerfield: S… Save…
Estevez: Don’t, Zim, please.
Zimmerfield: Save Lydia Spring.
Estevez: No…
[Zimmerfield dies]
Estevez: Oh, God… Shit, shit! No…
[Estevez bangs his fists on the steering wheel]
Farah: Just so you’re aware, everything is under control. Everything is under, uh–
Amanda: Are you okay?
Farah: Listen, did you talk to your brother, or, um… uh, Dirk?
Amanda: No. What’s going on?
Farah: I just saw Lydia Spring.
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