Posting this on here because Chief Tyrol is in it (and it’s frakking hilarious) …….
What the Frak is Going On?
Confused? Watch a recap of all three seasons in eight minutes and get caught up before the start of season 4.
Aaron Douglas | Official Fansite
The Official Fansite for actor Aaron Douglas. Aaron is best known for his role as Chief Galen Tyrol on the SyFy television series Battlestar Galactica.
Posting this on here because Chief Tyrol is in it (and it’s frakking hilarious) …….
What the Frak is Going On?
Confused? Watch a recap of all three seasons in eight minutes and get caught up before the start of season 4.
MOVIE: Chaos
RELEASE DATE: February 19, 2008 (DVD premiere)
AARON’S CHARACTER: Police Officer (uncredited)
WRITTEN BY: Tony Giglio
DIRECTED BY: Tony Giglio
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The SPACE channels HypaSpace Weekly program has some cast interviews and scenes from season 4. And they show a scene from season 4 with Tyrol in it. Yay :)
Right click on the link below to save it to your computer.
HypaSpace Weekly – January 2008
TV SHOW: Reaper
EPISODE: 1×05: What About Blob
AIR DATE: October 23, 2007 on THE CW (USA) and CityTV (Canada)
WRITTEN BY: Thomas Schnauz
DIRECTED BY: Peter Lauer
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Aaron is in the season 1 gag reel for the tv show REAPER.
His scene is at time stamp 02:53
He’s being so serious and professional but everytime I rewatch it I can’t help but LOL.
Bionic Woman (1×01: Pilot – AIRED VERSION) September 26, 2007
TV SHOW: Bionic Woman
EPISODE: 1×01: Pilot
AIR DATE: September 26, 2007
WRITTEN BY: Laeta Kalogridis
DIRECTED BY: Michael Dinner
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Bionic Woman (1×01: Pilot – UNAIRED VERSION) July 25, 2007
The unaired pilot episode of Bionic Woman was leaked on to the internet. This is the version of the pilot episode where the Bionic Woman’s sister is deaf. I believe they are replacing the actress with someone else and the character will no longer be deaf. If you’re interested, you can read more about it on THIS website.
Anyway, I’ve made a clip of Aaron’s scene from the episode.
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Bionic Woman (1×01: Pilot) (David Eick Audio Commentary)
David Eick has done an audio commentary for the pilot episode of Bionic Woman on the DVD release. He has some really great things to say about Aaron. I’ve ripped the video (including the audio commentary) which you can download at the link below.
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MOVIE: Shattered (aka Butterfly On A Wheel)
AIR DATE: September 2, 2007 on TNT (USA)
AARON’S CHARACTER: Front Desk Officer
WRITTEN BY: William Morrissey
DIRECTED BY: Mike Barker
WATCH: Tubi (FREE w/ Ads) and Roku (FREE w/ Ads)
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DVD Extras: Alternate Scene
Friday, August 31st, 2007 @ 1:00 PM – Star Trek vs. the New Battlestar Galactica
Battlestar Galactica series is enjoying critical acclaim and viewer ratings like Star Trek hasn’t seen in a generation. What is Galactica doing that is so right? What should Paramount be learning from Galactica’s success?
Guests: Lee Stringer, Brent Spiner, Mark A. Sheppard, Charles Root, Carlos Pedraza, Gates McFadden, Richard Hatch, Kevin R. Grazier, Jonathan Frakes, Aaron Douglas, Jamie Bamber.
DragonCon 2007-BattleStar Galactica & Star Trek panel Part 1
DragonCon 2007-BattleStar Galactica & Star Trek panel Part 2
DragonCon 2007-BattleStar Galactica & Star Trek panel Part 3
DragonCon 2007-BattleStar Galactica & Star Trek panel Part 4
DragonCon 2007-BattleStar Galactica & Star Trek panel Part 5
DragonCon 2007-BattleStar Galactica & Star Trek panel Part 6
DragonCon 2007-BattleStar Galactica & Star Trek panel Part 7
Saturday, September 1st, 2007 @ 11:30 AM – 2 Apollos, a Chief and a Battlestar
Two Apollos and a Chief Petty Officer walk into a ballroom, wackiness ensues.
Guests: Aaron Douglas, Richard Hatch and Jamie Bamber.
Two Apollos, a Chief, and a Battlestar, Pt. 1 of 7
Two Apollos, a Chief, and a Battlestar, Pt. 2 of 7
Two Apollos, a Chief, and a Battlestar, Pt. 3 of 7
Two Apollos, a Chief, and a Battlestar, Pt. 4 of 7
Two Apollos, a Chief, and a Battlestar, Pt. 5 of 7
Two Apollos, a Chief, and a Battlestar, Pt. 6 of 7
Two Apollos, a Chief, and a Battlestar, Pt. 7 of 7
Sunday, September 2nd, 2007 @ 4:00 PM – Battlestar Galactica Reunion
Another chance to hear our guests from both sides of the Battlestar cameras.
Guests: Mark Sheppard, Kevin Grazier, Aaron Douglas, Jamie Bamber and Richard Hatch.
Battlestar Galactica Reunion, Pt. 1 of 7
Battlestar Galactica Reunion, Pt. 2 of 7
Battlestar Galactica Reunion, Pt. 3 of 7
Battlestar Galactica Reunion, Pt. 4 of 7
Battlestar Galactica Reunion, Pt. 5 of 7
Battlestar Galactica Reunion, Pt. 6 of 7
Battlestar Galactica Reunion, Pt. 7 of 7
Monday, September 3rd, 2007 @ 11:30 AM – Battlestar Galactica: Prepare To Cast Off
Before they spin up their FTL drives we have a final chance to meet our Battlestar Galactica guests
Guests: Kevin Grazier, Richard Hatch, Aaron Douglas
DragonCon 2007 – Monday BattleStar Galactica panel part 1
DragonCon 2007 – Monday BattleStar Galactica panel part 2
DragonCon 2007 – Monday BattleStar Galactica panel part 3
DragonCon 2007 – Monday BattleStar Galactica panel part 4
DragonCon 2007 – Monday BattleStar Galactica panel part 5
DragonCon 2007 – Monday BattleStar Galactica panel part 6
VIDEO CREDIT: Friday and Monday Panels by: ConPanels / hikaruchan
Saturday and Sunday Panels by: transplant42 (Bamber Bunny laurie31 and MrBamberrific).
Shaw TV *
August 1, 2007
6.48 MB
Below is a short video that SHAW TV did on BLOOD: A BUTCHER’S TALE.
Source: Myspace: Blood on Shaw TV
Teaser (Short Version)
Teaser (Long Version)
Below is a new trailer for the movie BLOOD: A BUTCHER’S TALE.
Aaron Douglas talking about Robin Williams
aaron douglas at the armageddon con in wellywood is talking about how he met robin williams
Aaron Douglas interviews fans after the Battlestar Galactica season three finale viewing at the Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame in Seattle on March 22, 2007.
Aaron Douglas Interviews Fans : Battlestar Season 3 Finale Viewing
Aaron Douglas interviews fans after the Battlestar Season 3 finale viewing at the Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame in Seattle.
Note: The green screen video clips came from Silicon Imaging
TV SHOW: Battlestar Galactica
EPISODE: 3×16: Dirty Hands
AIR DATE: February 25, 2007 on Sci Fi Channel (USA)
WRITTEN BY: Anne Cofell Saunders & Jane Espenson
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