Happy 50th Birthday to me (Michelle)

Happy 50th Birthday to me! Chief ❤️’s Boomer & Boomer ❤️’s Chief. It makes me so happy that Aaron knew how much I would love this. It also makes me laugh that he knew not to mail this (because I wouldn’t trust the postal service with it) and he didn’t personalise it because he’d want to ask me what to write. He knows me too well and I love that 😀 ~ michelle (admin)

EDIT: It is NOT Aaron’s birthday, it is mine (Michelle). Aaron invited Grace Park to his house and had her personalise and sign a photo for me as a birthday present/surprise.

Aaron Douglas (@theaarondouglas) February 9, 2023
You’re so very welcome! I know how much you love Chief and Boomer.

Have an amazing birthday!

And thank you Grace for helping me make Michelle’s 50th birthday extra special.
Next up the 3 of us have a glass of wine together and discuss all things Chief and Boomer. 😁
