Aaron’s 50th Birthday Presents (Part 2)

For those of you that don’t use instagram or twitter, here’s a copy and paste of Aaron’s instagram post. There’s an edited down version of it on his twitter.


Aaron Douglas (@theaarondouglas) August 25, 2021
More birthday present awesomeness from my wonderful friend @aarondouglasfans.

I did a show called #TheKilling several years ago and the cast and crew gift at the end was this great red stainless steel water bottle with THE KILLING written on it. I carried that thing to every set I went to for years. I would take pictures of it on the set as a fun little thing to do and collect. Kind of an “Aaron was here” moment. Sometimes I would forget to move it to a place out of camera shot and it would make it into the show…. whoops… HA.

Well a few months ago I accidentally wrecked it, blew the bottom out trying to freeze water in it. I was bummed. I tried to fix it with epoxy, it worked, but it looks like hell now. HA. In steps my friend Michelle who takes it upon herself to replace my red water bottle so I can keep taking it with me to set and doing my silly pictures thing. But she goes ALL out and creates this incredible bottle with my name DOUGLAS on one side and three images that are a nod to my acting hero and one of my favourite movies of his. It is just amazing! I bet most of you will be able to puzzle it out.

And then she adds this fabulous orange (for Chief and his deck outfit & also my favourite colour) with the BSG Phoenix and Chief’s actual name and serial number to resemble his dog tags. On the opposite side CHIEF in the #BattlestarGalactica font. It is frakking amazing! I LOVE my bottles.

A huge nod to Battlestar Wiki for providing the BSG Phoenix in digital form for her to send to the engraver. Thank you Joe.

In another box was the FRAK COVID mask (see my previous post) and a huge pile of some of my favourite Aussie treats. I now wander the house like an indoor squirrel and hide them everywhere so I don’t eat them in one sitting or accidentally hand them out to the Halloween Trick or Treaters. HA.

Thank you @aarondouglasfans
Your thoughtfulness knows no bounds.


Aaron Douglas (@theaarondouglas) August 25, 2021
More birthday awesome from my wonderful friend @AD_Fans Few months ago I ruined my favourite on-set water bottle. I had it for years. Michelle goes ALL out and makes this incredible nod to my acting hero/favourite movie of his. She adds a BSG bottle that is pure Chief & just wow!

I LOVE my new bottles. Can’t wait to see if I can sneak the new red one into my next show. Ssshhhhhh no one say anything. A huge nod of thanks to @battlestarwiki for providing the BSG Phoenix in digital form for her to send to the engraver. Thank you Joe.

In another box was the FRAK COVID mask & a huge pile of some of my favourite Aussie treats. I now hide them everywhere like an indoor squirrel so I don’t eat them in one sitting or accidentally hand them at Halloween. HA. Thank you Michelle, your thoughtfulness knows no bounds.

