Happy Friendaversary to us đź’›

I first met Aaron on July 26, 2005. I had no idea who he was, I had no idea what BSG was. For the past 15 years he has been one of my closest friends. I adore him. He makes me laugh. He drives me crazy. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. AND he makes me the best meals I’ve ever eaten in my life (seriously!). Happy Friendaversary to us đź’›

For those they haven’t heard it before, here is the story of how we met

I first met Aaron Douglas on July 26, 2005. I had no idea who he was, no idea what BSG was. For the past 15 yrs he has been one of my closest friends. I adore him. He makes me laugh. He drives me crazy. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

In 2005 I was in Vancouver for Gatecon. Gatecon is a four day sci-fi convention but unofficially it’s really a seven day convention with events in the evening as well, which means you get a lot of opportunities to interact with the actors. It was the 2nd day of the convention (July 26), the night of the cocktail party, where the actors are free to roam around & sit wherever they want for as long as they want. We were outdoors in the courtyard of the hotel. I was sitting with my friends and some other people and we were drinking and chatting. Debbie (one of the women who I had just met), dared me to go over and get Aaron and bring him back to our table. I don’t like sci-fi, I don’t watch sci-fi (why was I at a sci-fi convention, you may ask? That’s a whole other story for another time) so I say to her “who the hell is Aaron Douglas?!?”. She tells me he’s (insert character name) from Battlestar Galactica, I say “WTF is Battlestar Galactica?!?”. Back then I didn’t even know there was an original version of the show, let alone a reimagined version. I didn’t care about embarrassing myself because I had no idea who this guy was. And having an Aussie accent I knew I could pretty much get away with anything. Ha.

She described what he looked like, what he was wearing & pointed in the direction of where he was sitting. So I thought “why not?” and headed over that way. I waited for a break in the conversation he was having with fans, I politely interrupted and invited him to come sit with me and my friends when he was finished. He didn’t respond, he just sat there looking at me. And I thought “oh f-ck, this man is going to punch me in the throat”. After what felt like an ETERNITY he smiled and said he loved my accent. He got up and came back with me to my table and hung out with us for the rest of the evening. We continued to hang out, talk, laugh and drink over the next five days. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Side note: At the time we met, they had recently finished filming the S2 mid season finale ‘2×10: Pegasus’ and were having their wrap party on Sunday night. I met Aaron on Tuesday, that Friday ‘2×03: Fragged’ was airing for the very first time in the USA. I remember he had gotten a hold of the episode and held a screening of it for fans. I didn’t attend because I thought “I don’t care about your stupid little sci-fi show” (or words to that effect). You have no idea how much I kick myself for that now because Fragged is one of my favourite Chief episodes and to have gotten to watch it with him on his first viewing …

Update: Oops. I forgot to include this part of the story …. back then there was no such thing as smart phones. So the next day we used the hotel tv to google him. The first result that came up was “Aaron Douglas into Bondage” and we quickly turned off the TV thinking “WTF?!? Who is this freak?”. Of course what we didn’t know at the time, was that there was an African-American artist named Aaron Douglas who had a painting titled “Into Bondage”. It still makes me laugh 🤣 ~ Michelle

