WIZARD WORLD: Virtual Convention Experience (tomorrow)

REMINDER: The WIZARD WORLD virtual BSG Q&A panel with Aaron Douglas, Tahmoh Penikett & Sam Witwer (Crashdown) is happening TOMORROW (Tuesday July 14) at 10am (PDT) / 1pm (EDT). The panel is free. You can watch it via Wizard World’s YouTube or Facebook pages.


10am (pdt) is 3am for me here in Australia, I’ll try to wake up for it. But if I don’t, it’s all good because the panel will be available on their YouTube and Facebook pages for me (and everyone else) to watch later 😀

EDIT: I spoke to the panel moderator and he said he will start taking questions now. If anyone has a question they’d like him to ask Aaron, Tahmoh or Sam during the panel tomorrow (July 14 10am PDT / 1pm EDT) head over to my latest tweet and ask your question there https://twitter.com/AD_Fans/status/1282896805651308544
