KILLBIRD: Movie Premiere (June 23, 2019)

For those of you in Los Angeles, the movie KILLBIRD premieres next weekend at the Dances With Films festival. This movie stars Elysia Rotaru and Stephen Lobo, with cameos by Aaron Douglas and Tahmoh Penikett. Funny story … Aaron didn’t even know Tahmoh was in this movie, he showed up on set and they gave him a “cast umbrella” to use and it had Tahmoh’s name written on masking tape on it. Tahmoh had filmed his scenes on a previous day. So they’re both in the movie but no scenes together.

What: KILLBIRD movie premiere
When: Sunday, June 23rd
Time: 12:30pm
Where: TCL Chinese Theatres (6925 Hollywood Blvd)

Synopsis: In search of help on a birdwatching trip gone wrong, Taylor Crane comes across a remote cabin where she meets Riad Bishara, a recluse supposedly on the run from the CIA. Paranoid and seemingly unstable, Riad concludes that Taylor is a government agent and holds her captive. As she struggles to escape, Taylor uncovers a prisoner and what appears to be a deadly cat and mouse game between U.S. government agencies. Likewise, Riad learns that Taylor may indeed be working against him as a CIA plant. Their lives depend on uncovering the truth about each other before it’s too late.


This is the handle of the umbrella with Tahmoh’s name on it.
