As I pointed out yesterday, Aaron said “if the winner cannot make it to Vancouver I will make a call and send some signed stuff.” In Ron Moore’s blog today, he has added that in (I’ve highlighted it in red font)……
More Pencil Rewards
Friday, November 30, 2007
The potential rewards for fans buying into the Pencils2MediaMoguls campaign just got bigger:
Mary McDonnell, Tricia Helfer, Michael Hogan, Jamie Bamber, and Michael Trucco have all agreed to make a personal phone call to fans who win the raffles in their names. The way this will work is simple: when you go to the Pencils site, the first box you’ll see asks you the name of the show you wish to support. Type in “Battlestar Galactica” and then the name of one of these actors, and your name will then be automatically entered into a raffle, with the winner in each category receiving a personal phone call from that actor. You can certainly buy boxes of pencils for more than one actor, but each box can only be assigned one name.
Also, in the event that the winner of the Aaron Douglas raffle is not in Vancouver, or cannot travel there (on their own dime), Aaron has offered to make a personal phone call to that fan and send a piece of signed memorabilia.
This is a really great and generous offer from our cast members and it could be a once in a life-time chance to get to talk to them, so take advantage of the opportunity and help us drown the moguls in pencils!
Source: Ronald D. Moore’s Blog