Win a chance to go to a Vancouver Canucks hockey game with Aaron Douglas.
I received an email from Aaron an hour ago about this (sorry I didn’t post it sooner, I was still in bed) asking me to post about this on the website and message boards but it looks like Ron Moore beat me to it and has posted it on his blog :)
Pencils and Rewards
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Okay, this is pretty cool.
How would you like to go to a hockey game with the Chief?
That’s right, our own Aaron Douglas will take one fan to a Canucks hockey game, along with another buddy of his up in Vancouver. And how can you score this treat? Simple. By going to and buying as many boxes of pencils as you can. On the first page (which is a subset of United Hollywood) you’ll see a place to identify which show you’re supporting. Type in “BSG Aaron Douglas” and we’ll enter your name into a raffle, with the lucky winner getting to attend the hockey game with Aaron.
In case you haven’t heard, the Pencils Campaign is designed to send a huge amount of pencils to the major studios as a symbol of fan support for the strike. More information can be found on their website.
Look for other offers from other members of the Galactica cast in the near future — no idea what the offers will be or how many there may be. I’ll keep you informed.
Source: Ronald D. Moore’s Blog
UPDATE: I was just talking with Aaron about this and telling him it’s a shame that not as many people will enter because they can’t get to Vancouver and he said “if the winner cannot make it to Vancouver I will make a call and send some signed stuff.”