The Watcher (Michael Taylor) March 8, 2009

‘Battlestar Galactica’s’ Michael Taylor talks about ‘Islanded in a Stream of Stars’
By: Maureen Ryan
Date: March 8, 2009
Source: The Watcher


WEBMISTRESS NOTE: There was no Chief Tyrol in tonight’s episode (4×18: Islanded In A Stream Of Stars). But according to an interview with writer Michael Taylor, he was meant to be in it but his scenes were cut.

Note: This is a snippet of an interview with MICHAEL TAYLOR where he mentions AARON DOUGLAS / CHIEF TYROL. To read the full interview, click HERE.


Is there a lot of material that had to be cut from the episode we saw? If so, what was it about?

Yes, there was probably a good deal of material that had to be cut. I say “probably” because it’s a long time since I wrote the script, and I am too lazy to revisit it now. I know that there were scenes, or at least one scene, of Tyrol in the brig, and I think my sense there was that he had confessed and put himself in there out of guilt.

And there was plenty of other stuff left on the proverbial floor — scenes that were cut, or just saved down — as is often the case with these overstuffed episodes, and especially mine, which are stuffed to the point where scenes and characters are always drifting out the seams, like that Six from the rupture in Galactica’s hull.

In the end, though, I would say that for the most part episodes (mine, anyway) are better for what by necessity is cut. Though here, at least, there will be a chance to check out what some of those missing bits may have added when Eddie’s extended cut comes out on the DVD.